Acquire certificate for recreation and sports guide for children
Employment in public¡¤private kindergarten teacher, child care center teacher, teacher at a kindergarten attached to anelementary school, and child care center¡¤day care center¡¤nurseryfacility
Transferring to 4 year college
Education for preventing mouth diseases to enhance dental health of people and educating professional dentalhygienists (acquire national license) and dental nurses through management¡¤handling education of oral hygiene
Employment in dental clinic¡¤hospital, health center, healthcivil servant, dental product company, and instituterelated with education of dental hygiene
Can apply to the dentistry graduate school aftertransferring to a four-year college?credits in afield-working career intensification course are approved
Train a socal worker who combines knowledge in herbalmedical
Professional medical service and effective social volunteeractivities in herbal medical welfare field
Focused education of agriculturists of herbal medicine(crops for a special use) ¡¤ The 2nd level social worder (No test), the 2nd levelchild care teacher, health family supporter ¡¤ 4-year bachelor's degree(Credit bank system) can be acquired after graduation - Qualified to apply for the 1st class social worker
Produce multi-cultural welfare professionals¡¤multi-culturalcounselor
Select prior classes for 4 semesters to cultivate multi-cultural welfare professionals ¡¤ Education focusing on hands-on experiences throughindustrial-academic cooperation ¡¤ Acquire certificate for multi-cultural counselor, tea mannerguide, multi-cultural family counselor, social worker,health family supporter, continuing educator, and child care teacher
Tea ceremony educational center, continuing educationcenter, opening cultural center and professionalinstructor, multi-cultural family support center,professional faculty and facility owner of social welfareorganization and facility, owner of multi-culturalwelfare center and health family support center,professional social worker, multi-cultural family counselor, multi-cultural welfare worker, nursery, childcare facility, welfare facility for the aged, welfare facility for the disabled, tea factory, tea master, tea commenter, transferring to university and enrolling tograduate course
Educate social welfare professionals through realization ofvalues based on dignity of humans and practicing a healthysocial welfare ¡¤ The 2nd level of social worker ¡¤ The 2nd level of child care teacher ¡¤ Health family supporter
Employment in or operate social welfare organizations,nursery, family violence counseling center
Cultivate creative talents of 21st century who will lead welfare tourism of a neglected class ¡¤ Management guide, domestic tour guide, hotel service person, the 2nd level social worker, the 2nd level child care teacher, health family supporter, the 2nd levelcomputer using ability, the 2nd level word processor, the 2nd level secretary
Social welfare organization, childcare facility, domesticand international airline, cruise attendant, privilegehotelier travel agent, transferring to a 4 year college
Educate talents who combine theory and hands-on experiencesby extricating social welfare practice, counselingpractice, and child care practice ¡¤ The 2nd level of social worker, the 2nd level of child care teacher, the 2nd level welfare counselor (Korea Welfare Counseling Society), youth counselor (the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism), youth guide (the Ministry ofCulture, Sports and Tourism), the 2nd level psychological counselor (Korean Counseling Psychological Association)
Comprehensive social welfare center, welfare center for thedisabled, child welfare center, welfare center for theaged, social welfare society, counselor for women,counselor at university counseling center, regular teacherat child care center or opening of child care center,transferring to 4 year college, enrolling to Korea Third Military Academy, and etc.
Educate a social worker which is the top promising occupation of the 21st century
cultivate social welfare professionals who take care body and mind of suffering people and help spiritual growth ¡¤ The 2nd level of social worker certificate ¡¤ The 2nd level of child care teacher certificate ¡¤ Health family supporter ¡¤ Teach at or operating social welfare facility ¡¤ Transferring to university or enrolling to graduate school
To continue study in 4 year colleges or graduate schools.
Educate social welfare professionals who solve problems ofpeople such as children?the aged?the disabled who havevarious social and personal problems by diagnosing andassessing their problems ¡¤ The 2nd level of social worker (No test) ¡¤ The 2nd level of child care teacher (No test) ¡¤ Health family supporter (No test) ¡¤ First aid certificate (No test) ¡¤ Recreation (No test)
Teach at or operating child care center
Teach at or operating welfare facility for the aged
Transferring to 4 year university
Educate beauty professionals who combine theory andhands-on experience
Develop practical ability in beauty through industrial-academic field education ¡¤ Acquire beautician or skin care beautician, secondary practical skill teacher (beauty), the 2nd¡¤3rd levelmakeup, scalp massager, foot massager, the 2nd¡¤3rd level, makeup artist, natural soap producer, hair colorlist (industrial engineer), aroma therapist, natural cosmeticproducer
Beautician, skin care beautician, makeup artist, nail artist,foot massager, faculty at university, broadcasting makeupartists, dermatologist skin care, store selling specialbeauty products, beauty research, educational instructor, marketing field, cosmetic company, wedding specialty store,teacher at a vocational high school (practical skill),instructer at academy related with beauty, instructer atdepartment store cultural center, instructor at community center, and etc.
Community Sports major, Marine Sports major, Cycle Race major
Cultivate social sports guide and educate professional athletes through industrial-academic connection ¡¤ Life sports guide(1st, 2nd, 3rd level), game guide (1st,2nd, 3rd level) ¡¤ Certificate for sports practical skill teacher at elementary/secondary school, the 2nd level social worker, sports correction therapist, child sports guide, sportsmassager
Transferring to 4 year college, social welfare civil servant, elementary/secondary school, sports facility,sports organization, sports related association,rehabilitation facility and hospital, leisure event company, sports marketing company, oriental medical clini
Coffee major, Wine major
Train professional cook, licensed baker, and professional coffee produce ¡¤ Acquire certificate for bakery?pastry, practical technique teacher, and barista
Hotel and food service, bakery?pastry business, food manufacturing?distribution business
Working at and opening coffee specialty store, machine? distribution?management company related with coffee, largecoffee making company
Flight attendant major, Casino Hotel Tourism major
Educate professional talents with global sense in airline, hotel, and casino service fields that the 21st centuryrequires through thorough theoretical and practical education related with air and tourism business ¡¤ Acquire certificate for domestic tour guide, overseas tour guide, recreation, casino dealer, hotel serviceperson, the 2nd level social worker, wine sommelier
Employment in hotel, airline, travel agent, casino, tourismindustry, and social welfare facility
Operate work-connected field practice semester
Open a contest for hotelier
Open a casino game festival
Conduct exchange student program with Air Tourism University of China
Performing Arts Production major, Applied Music major
Educational institute for stage art professionals appointedby the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Operate education link program with field practice oriented ¡¤ Educate stage art professionals (stage sound/stagelighting/stage equipment) ¡¤ Educate performance producing professionals (music director/art director/composer/writer/actor) ¡¤ Educate broadcasting producing professionals (scriptwriter/camera reporter/producer/talent) ¡¤ The 2nd level social worker¡¤the 2nd level child care teacher
Landscape major, Civil Engineering major
Learn basic studies and applied fields needed in planning¡¤designing¡¤constructing by systematicallysubdividing civilengineering major and landscape major ¡¤ Acquire license for beginning level technician in civilengineering and landscape fields
Employment in comprehensive landscaping company, landscape¡¤civil engineering company, landscape planting company,landscape architecture company, and all kinds of structurecompanies